1. Your Relationship with your players is an important factor in building a TEAM.
2. Older players should teach and help younger players.
3. Your TEAM must know that they will win but more importantly, they must know exactly How They Will WIN.
4. You better be a Great Half Court Team in post-season tournament play.
5. Have Goal Sheets established for each of your players. Check these sheets every week.
6. Schedule tough games during the season. This will make you better in post-season.
7. Substitute on every one of your team's free throws in order to prevent the fast break.
8. Evaluate what your Program/Team needs are at the end of each week.
9. Plan the next week on the Sunday before the week.
10. You need to Win and Lose in practice. When one loses, the whole team suffers. When one wins, the whole team wins. Play games like 7-up and Cut Throat.